11/10/2020「主日信息 Sun Message                                                                                                                                               www.lifechurchmissions.com  

照着应许承受产业《加3:16,29; 4:7-8; 1:18-21; 2:38-39; 林前6:12; 20:23-24; 21:17-19


1. 福音是应许的成就,是在人有信心以先就赐下了。



1) 藉着亚伯拉罕的子孙承受为神的后嗣



2) 圣徒有何等的指望、基业、浩大的能力


3) 最大的应许就是主基督本身



2. 救赎的应许:罪得赦、圣灵、天国



1) 在神的主权之下的自由



2) 圣灵说:要刚强


3) 在受信心考验时为天国被激励


3. 藉着留下遗产,应许得蒙成就

1) 在被精炼的时候,不可试探主你的神



2) 为爱所激励,以奉献为特征,满足于跟随基督


3) 要做个好榜样,将你们的光照在黑暗的文化中



Heirs According to the Promise <Gal 3:16, 29; 4:7-8; Ep 1:18-21; Ac 2:38-39; 1 Co 6:12; Ac 20:23-24; Jn 21:17-19>


1. The gospel is the Promise fulfilled, for it is granted even before men has faith.

Read: <Gal 3:16,29; 4:7-8>


1) Heirs of God adopted through Seed of Abraham

Read: <Ep 1:18-21>


2) What hope, inheritance, and exceedingly great power for saints


3) The greatest promise is Lord Christ Himself


Read: <Ac 2:38-39>

2. Promise of Redemption: forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit, heavenly kingdom


Read: <1 Co 6:12>

1) Liberty under sovereignty of God


Read: <Ac 20:23-24>

2) The Holy Spirit says, “Exercise your courage.”


3) The urge for the heavenly kingdom during the trial of faith


3. The Promise is fulfilled by leaving behind a legacy

1) Don’t put the Lord to the test while we get refined


Read: <Jn 21:17-19>

2) Compelled by love, characterised by sacrifice, content with following Christ


3) Be a good example in shining light in a dark culture