1/11/2020 [Book of John: Lesson 52]                                                                                                         www.lifechurchmissions.com                    


Jesus showed the Disciples the full extent of his love 
<Jn 13:1-5, 12-17>


1. The Love of the Cross <v1>

1) The time has come for Him to leave this World and go to the Father

2) He loved his own who were in the World

3) He showed them the full extent of his love

 (1) Not just loving with words

 (2) Not just loving by harboring good intentions

 (3) Not just loving by accompanying someone to walk part of the way


2. Where the greatest love of the Lord is manifested, there is hidden the most evil works. <v2> 


3. All things have been committed to the Son, Jesus. <v3(i)>


4. Came from God and is returning to God. <v3(ii)>


5. Incarnation, Death and Resurrection, Return to the Throne. <v4-5,12>


6. Lordship Salvation Vs Easy Believism. <v13-14>


7. You have to wash one another’s feet. <v14-17>