21/3/2021 [Book of John: Lesson 65] www.lifechurchmissions.com
Victorious in this world of tribulation <Jn 16:25-33>
1) How does the world face tribulation?
2) How should a Christian understand tribulation?
Read <Jn 16:25-33>
1. <Jn 16:25> You will personally come to know the Father.
2. <Jn 16:26> You will personally receive answers from the Father.
3. <Jn 16:27> The Father Himself loves you.
Ponder: How do you know the Father loves you?
4. <Jn 16:28> The summary of the Lord Jesus’ work on earth.
5. <Jn 16:29-31> As of now, the disciples still have not understood.
6. <Jn 16:32> The Father is with the Son, and they share an undivided salvational purpose.
7. <Jn 16:33>
1) Peace is only found in the Lord.
2) The significance of tribulations to Christians.
3) To receive victory together with the Lord.