30/5/2021 [Family Message 11]                                                                                                              www.lifechurchmissions.com                    

How to live for the Lord with the tussle of family members? <Gen22:1-18>


1. The reality of tussles in the family

* Satan has set up two plots in the sexual life of man.

1) It's not unobvious that the tussle of family members has to happen.

2) Bring your marriage and family back to earth, i.e. accept it as a process

3) Turn to God, and see the struggles when being with people as God’s intervention.

4) To intervene inheritance to you, God must make us understand what is grace and mercy, not fairness and justice


Read <Gen 22:1-18>

2. Know what the covenant is, and thus receive the answers through it.

1) The structure of the entire Bible is evident in three overarching covenants.

The covenant of redemption

The covenant of works

The covenant of grace

2) The covenant of grace is unfolded throughout the bible after Adam

God actively plans for the elect to be preserved for salvation and eternal life, granting them spiritual inheritance (crown).

Through giving grace (what is never paid for), God provides power, transformation and understanding to the heirs of promise.

Through the truth, we are being refined in obedience and repentance, reflecting the wisdom and greatness of God to all nations.

3) Hold on to the promise above

Bite the bullet and run with perseverance, while predicting, planning and learning from mistakes.

Pursue peace with all people (family), and strive for holiness, that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble.

Beware of refusing God’s Word, but accumulate graciousness as we serve God with reverence and awe.