3/4/2022 [Thematic Message 143]                                                                                                                                                                         www.lifechurchmissions.com  


The Lord Says, “I No Longer Call You Servants, Instead I Have Called You Friends

<Gen 18:16-25; Jas 2:22-24>


1. God considered Abraham as a friend, and did not hide from him. 

1) Lot was in Sodom and God was about to destroy the whole city.

2) The Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?”

3) How did Abraham intercede for Sodom that was awaiting judgment?


2. Everyone who is in Christ should enjoy the friendship of God.

1) God does not hide from those who follow Him. 

2) In our friendship with the Lord, there is also the responsibility to “submit”.

3) Do not be friend with the world.

Recognise the life of someone who is not friend with the world: 

(1) He struggles with his own non-submission.

(2) He responds to discipline.

(3) He is sent by the Holy Spirit to witness for the Lord. 

(4) He seeks the communion of saints.


3. The help and comfort that come from a friend.

1) God promises that we will receive the blessing of answered prayers.

2) God will provide the help and comfort that man cannot give.