24/4/2022 [Book of Acts 22]                                                                                                                       www.lifechurchmissions.com


Persecution Brought by Jewish Leaders



* <Contents of Acts 5>

1Sanctification of the church <Ac 5:1-11>

2Revival of the church <Ac 5:12-16, 42>

3Persecution of the church <Ac 5:17-41>


* Blessings brought by persecutions

1Anoint the evangelists with courage

2Anoint the evangelists with message


Read <Ac 5:17-32>


1. <v17> The state of the hearts of Jewish leaders


2. <v18> The apostles (church leaders) were arrested


3. <v19> God sent angels to set the apostles free


4. <v20> The angels’ instructions:

1Stand in the temple courts

2Speak to the people all the words of this Life


5. <v21-25> Those who persecuted the church were shocked and at a loss


6. <v26> Leaders who feared the people


7. <v27-28> Gospel was spread throughout Jerusalem

* When revival came upon Jerusalem, the Jewish leaders were even more hardened

* The greatest irony in the church today: The blind wants to lead those who can see


8. <v29> The apostles were completely opposite from the Jewish leaders, they feared God instead of men

* Distinction between man’s submission to man versus man’s submission to God


9. <v30> The sin of the Jewish leaders Persecuting the Son of God


10.<v31> God exalted His Son as Prince and Savior 


11.<v32> The apostles, as well as, the Holy Spirit dwelling in those who obey God were witnesses