12/6/2022 [Book of Acts 25] www.lifechurchmissions.com
Stephen was Subjected to Accusation <Ac 6:8-15>
* Stephen testified for Christ
* But people who opposed him twisted his words and accused him
* The world cannot accept the truthfulness, absoluteness and necessity of the Gospel
* However, God was with Stephen
* The martyrdom of Stephen also indirectly enabled the Gospel to spread throughout the Roman Empire
* Read <Jn 12-24>
Read <Ac 6:8-15>
1. <v8>: Stephen was greatly used by God?
(1) Full of God’s grace and power
(2) Performed great wonders and signs among the people
2. <v9>: Jews from different places began to argue with Stephen
Read <Ac 21:39>
3. <v10>: Stephen had wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke
* It can also be said that Stephen spoke with wisdom from above
Read <Lk 21:15>
* Failed argument
(1) Impulsive and arguing with the flesh
(2) Arguing philosophically and academically
* Only when we speak with wisdom and the Holy Spirit, can we refute opponents
4. <v11> The Jews accused Stephen of speaking blasphemous words against Moses and against God
(1) Jesus is above Moses
(2) Jesus is God
* It is evident that Christianity is not created from human culture, traditions or religion
5. <v12> Why only Stephen was arrested, but not the apostles?
* Elders and teachers of the law seized him suddenly
6. <v13-14> The ploy of those who seized Stephen
* They produced false witnesses
* Accused Stephen of speaking against the holy place and against the law
(1) Must understand: Jesus replaced the Temple
(2) Must understand: Jesus fulfilled the Law
7. <v15> Stephen’s face was like the face of an angel
* In the face of evil men, Stephen’s heart was guarded
* Even though Stephen was in the hands of sinners, his heart was filled with the glory of holiness
* Reflect:
(1) Did we experience such help when we suffered persecution for the Lord?
(2) In our faith journey, did we put ourselves through real challenges?