读《约 1:1》《约 1:3》《约 1:4》《约 1:14》
1. 道成肉身颠覆了人所有的欲望和理智思想
1) 一些人自己想成为像神
2) 一些人将伟大的人封为神 / 称为神的化身
1) 让我们看见神和祂的荣光
读《约 1:14》《约 14:9》《出33:18-20》
2) 成为我们的榜样
读《约 13:15》
3) 体恤我们的软弱
读《来 4:14-16》
4) 担当我们的罪,罪的刑罚,拯救我们
读《赛10:5-6》《来 9:22》《约1:29》
3 . 我们信耶稣是基督,道成肉身吗?信徒的生命是怎么样的?
读《约 20:30-31》《约12:37》《约1:12-13》
1 ) 遵行神的道,按着主的意思
读《罗 15:8》
读 《約2:5》 《约4:50》《约5:8》《约6:10》《约9:7》
2)成为世界的光, 让人认识神,
读 《林前 9:22》
3) 谦卑服侍人,效法主的榜样
4) 神儿女权柄,随时寻求主面
Marvel at the wonder of Word becoming flesh
Read <Jn 1:1><Jn 1:3><Jn 1:4><Jn 1:14>
1. Word Incarnate subverts all human desires and rational thoughts.
1) Some want to be god
Read <Ge 3:4-5><Ge 11:4><Ac 12:22-3>
2) Some worship great people as god
3) Some imagine god is in everything
2. Why must the Word become flesh?
1) So that we can see the glory of God
Read <Jn 1:14><Jn14:9><Ex 33:18-20>
2) So that we have an example
Read <Jn 13:15>
3) So that we have a God who can sympathize with our weakness
Read <He 4:14-16>
4) So that Jesus can bore on our sin, atone for our sins and save us
Read <Is 10:5-6> <He 9:22><Jn 1:29>
3. Do we truly believe Jesus is Christ, Word became flesh? How then shall we live?
Read <Jn 20:30-31><Jn 12:37><Jn 1:12-13>
1) Obey the Word of God, according to His will
Read <Ro 15:>
Read <Jn 2:5><Jn 4:50><Jn 5:8><Jn 6:10><Jn 9:7>
2) Help others see God, become the light of the world
Read <1 Co 9:22>
3) Humbly serve others, imitate the Lord’s example
4) As the children of God, seek the Lord always