Sunday Message, 7/5/2023, 9.30am


A family that loves and respects each otherEph5:33; 1Pe3:7; Mt15:4; Mk9:36-37; Lk6:27-36



1.    A family that loves each other, but is not emotional.

·       Having girded your minds for action, being sober in spirit <1Pe 1:13> Refer <1Co 13:4-8i>

·       Read <1Co 13:4-8i>

1)    What is love not? <1Co 13:4-6>: not envious, does not flaunt, not arrogant, no shameful ways or rude, not insistent on own ways, not irritable, not hold grudges, not gloat over people's sins


2)    Why is love "long-suffering, kind, .. rejoices when truth wins out, patient with all things, trusting in all things, hoping with all things, perseveres with all things, never becomes obsolete"? <1Co13:4,7-8>


3)    Love is a language; family has to keep talking.


2.    Honor, for God created male and female in His Own image <Gen1:27>.

1)     Ideally, families should have a loving relationship with one another. Where this is not feasible, God's commandment is to honour one another in the family.


·       Read: <Eph 5:33>  <1Pe 3:1-2> <Eph 5:33> <1Pe 3:7> <Mat 15:4> <Mk 9:36-37>


1)     Differences between love and respect.


2)     If love is to know, understanding provides respect, true love is not pitying but an adoration of the honorable.


3.    Ever since Christ, we are to love our enemies.

·       Read: <Mat 5:43-44> <Lk 6:27-36>


1)     Honor: And treat others the same way you want them to treat you. <Lk 6:31>


2)     Pray for those who disparage you


·       Loving enemies became the mark of a Christian.


·       Have you thought about praying for family that cannot get along?


·       Have you thought of praying with family?


3)   Nevertheless, we love, because God is merciful


·       Read: <Ro 12:19,21> <Lk 6:36>