Saul Grew More Powerful to Preach Christ <Ac 9:21-31; Gal 1:11-20>



* Although some people preach the gospel zealously, they preach another gospel, bringing unwarranted attacks.

* Others preach a gospel which is not wrong theoretically, but fails to cut people’s hearts and make them repent.

* Some others, like Saul, grow more powerful in preaching the gospel truth, proving that Jesus is the Christ.

* Through humans, enemies will persecute the third type of evangelist, but he will receive God’s help.

* Why could Saul become such an evangelist?

* That was directly related to the clear regeneration and faith of his life.

* If our regeneration and faith are not clear, the gospel we preach later on will surely be mixed with secularism.


Read <Ac 9:21-31>.

1. <v20> Jesus is the Son of God.

* In Jewish concept, the Son of God is God.

* <Jn 5:17-18>: Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.


2. <v21> Saul’s transformation was unbelievable, proving that it was entirely God’s work.


3. <v22> Saul’s power to preach Christ came from two areas:

1The true regeneration and faith of his life.

2His grasp of Old Testament contents.


4. <v23> The message preached by Saul provoked the hearts of those who opposed God.


5. <v24> Used to persecute the name of Christ, but now was persecuted because of Christ’s name.


6. <v25> Saul’s first encounter of being persecuted for preaching the gospel.


7. Read <Gal 1:11-20> Saul’s spiritual experience in Damascus and Arabia in the first three years after believing in the Lord.


8. <v26-27> Jerusalem’s wariness against Saul, the acceptance by Barnabas.


9. <v28-29> Saul’s evangelistic work in Jerusalem.

1Gained the support of the church of Jerusalem.

2Preached boldly, spoke and debated.

3Once again experienced persecution and suffering.


10. <v30> Saul returned to his hometown Tarsus.

* Here, Saul experienced 8-12 years of cooling off period, and was not involved in prominent preaching ministry.

* He was probably equipping himself here continuously with God’s word (God used time to prepare this instrument).


11. <v31> The revival of the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria.

1Had peace.

2Was strengthened.

3Living in the fear of the Lord.

4Encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

5Increased in numbers.