Peter Travelled Everywhere to Minister to the Saints <Ac 9:32-43>
* After the churches of Judea, Galilee, Samaria were revived, Peter started to bring the gospel out of Jerusalem.
* Soon, Peter would experience what he did not expect, that the gospel would reach the gentiles (the whole family of Cornelius).
* Before this, Peter first preached the gospel to Lydda, 55 kilometres west of Jerusalem, and Joppa along the coast.
* Here, God performed two extraordinary signs and miracles through Peter – enabling the paralyzed to walk and resurrecting the physically dead.
* These two signs had their purposes, which was to prove that Peter was the true apostle of Lord Jesus.
* <2 Co 12:12>: I persevered in demonstrating among you the marks of a true apostle, including signs, wonders and miracles.
* Are the signs and miracles which appear in churches today valid?
* Why should churches today accept cessation of signs?
* Cessationism is the view that all apostolic signs that were performed by the apostles ceased with the Apostolic Age.
* This was a view accepted by churches since 1900.
* In the 20th century, with the rise of Pentecostal and charismatic denominations, they advocated for the restoration of apostolic signs.
* The restoration of the offices of apostles and prophets was introduced at the same time.
* Such a claim was basically telling believers indirectly that God was not yet finished with His words in the Bible.
* Besides the words of the Bible, believers still need the service of modern day apostles and prophets, then they can fully understand the will of the Lord.
* Such a claim not only threatens the sufficiency of the Bible, but also leads believers into a very mystical faith.
* Therefore, we cannot let such bold and novel teachings infiltrate the church.
* We accept that God can still perform healing today through the prayers of saints, but it is certainly not as prevalent as during the Apostolic Age.
* We accept that God can do supernatural work in the normal natural world, but He certainly will not perform supernatural work to oppose the natural world.
Read <Ac 9:32-42>
1. <v32>: Change in the direction of evangelism.
1)Apostles started to bring gospel out of Jerusalem.
2)Peter’s evangelistic work focused mainly on preaching among the saints.
2. <v33-34> This sign was similar to the sign performed by Lord Jesus on earth.
* Refer to: <Mk 2:10-12>
* Indeed, the power of gospel can free us from spiritual paralysis and strengthen us.
3. <v35> All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon turned to the Lord.
4. <v36-37> A pious person with good deeds faced death.
* It does not mean that a pious believer who does good will not encounter suffering.
* But there is certainly evidence in the life of a pious believer who does good – loved by many people.
5. <v38> Disciples urged Peter to go and help them.
* If we are servants chosen by God, people with problems will surely urge us to help them.
6. <v39-42> This sign was almost similar to the sign Lord Jesus performed on earth.
* Refer to: <Mk 5:35-43>
* Lord Jesus said: Talitha koum
* Peter said: Tabitha koum
** What both signs have in common **
1)Showed that Peter was following the example of Jesus.
2)Both done by the power of Jesus.
3)Both meant to make known the salvation of Jesus.
4)Both served to greatly glorify the name of Jesus.
7. <v43>: Peter gradually overcame the bondage of Old Testament concepts.
* The job of a tanner required him to be in contact with the carcasses of livestock, so it was an occupation despised by the Jews.
* But Peter stayed in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a tanner. This shows that his perspective was already changed because of the gospel.
** Conclusion **
* Although New Testament believers should not accept the continuation of signs, we should still accept the promise of healing the sick through prayers.
* Refer to <Jas 5:14-15>.