Destroy other strongholds, let God be your stronghold

<Ga 5:17, 2 Co 10:3-5; Ps 144:2; 31:3; 18:2; Na 1:7; Ps 9:9; Ro 8:5-6, 31, 34-35>


1. What is a “stronghold”?

·     Stronghold, fortress, refuge.

·     Hard to destroy.

·     Negative meaning: Strongholds could refer to areas where breakthroughs are difficult because they are hardened and stubborn. For example: strong desires, stubborn beliefs, repeated sins, weakness that cannot be shaken off.

·     Because it is hard to destroy, strongholds remain for a long time.

·     Many people are hearers, but not doers of God’s word, because there are wrong strongholds in life.

·     Stronghold is anything that can control us. Of course, ideally we should let God become our stronghold.

·     The desires of the flesh are always against the Spirit. Read <Galatians 5:17> 


2. Stronghold of the thoughts

·     People hold many beliefs that are not in obedience to God.

·     Our behaviour comes from our beliefs. If we can control a person’s heart and mind, we can control a person.

·     Read <2 Co 10:3-5>

·     Believers will always face spiritual battles, and the battle is fought over their beliefs and thoughts.

·     Satan is always trying to take people’s thoughts captive, against the knowledge of God. He may not make a person oppose God, but he could cause a person to be indifferent to God.

·     Humans are very good at using “arguments” to rationalize.

·     People’s rationalization reveals they do not know God sufficiently.

·     The critical point in the spiritual battle is to take every thought captive to obey Christ.

·     A person whose thought is taken captive to obey Christ may not be perfect, but he is at least able to hear God and is willing to submit to God.


3. How to win this “battle of the thoughts”?

·     Weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

1) We must use the truth of God to attain victory 

·     No matter what strongholds or lies you face, there are truths in the bible that can destroy them.

·     Strategy: An effective siege can overcome a stronghold.

·     Use the truths to surround the stronghold, cut off the source of wrong thoughts.

2) Expose and confront the stronghold head-on, not hide it

·     Satan works in darkness, concealment and lies; but God is in the light.

·     <Ephesians 5:11> Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

·     Confess your strongholds and seek help from God and mature believers (Refer to James 5:16)

3) Be steadfast in prayer, do not be discouraged and give up easily.

·     Need “repeated submission” to topple a stronghold.

·     There is just a fine line between “humility” and “helpless despair”.

·     Pay attention how God is helping us to overcome the stronghold bit by bit.


4. Regard God as our stronghold

·     Stronghold is also a safe place where one can be protected.

·     Psalmists often describes God as their stronghold and fortress.

·     Read <Psalm 144:2; 31:3; 18:2>

·     How much do you consider God as your fortress?

·     Even in days of trouble, can you still trust Him?

·     Read <Na 1:7; Ps 9:9>

·     Read <Ro 8:31; 34-35>

·     For believers, our refuge is not in a “place”, but in a “person”, that is our Saviour Jesus Christ

·     Read <Ro 8:5-6>