God Began Great Missionary Work through the Church <Ac 12:25-13:4>



* <Ac 13:1-4> is the beginning of the greatest missionary work in the book of Acts.

* That was not missionary work done randomly, but the church sending out missionaries formally and on a large scale.

* When the church receives the guidance and will of the Lord, prays for missionaries and sends them out to do it, the missionary work done is very effective.

* The missionary work of Paul and Barnabas extended throughout the world and into every generation.

* The missionary works in <Ac 13-28> occupy more than half the contents of <Acts>.

* The persecutions and sufferings encountered in <Ac 13-28> also exceeded what the disciples experienced in Jerusalem.

* But what a blessing it would be if we could be involved in the missionary work which God values!


Read <Ac 12:25-13:4>

* A healthy and God-pleasing church will never be contented with self-survival.

* She will not be satisfied with growing but multiplying, for this is the promise of <Ac 1:8>.


1. <v1>: 5 prophets and teachers of Antioch.

1Barnabas: Levite, from Cyprus, “son of encouragement”.

2Simeon called Niger: Possibly a black man from Africa, possibly Simon of Cyrene <Mk 15:21>. 

3Lucius of Cyrene: Possibly Luke.

4Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch: Adopted together with Herod Antipas.

5Saul: From Tarsus, also called Paul.


2. <v2> Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.

1To whom did the Holy Spirit reveal?

2What did the Holy Spirit reveal?

1The workers God has set apart – Barnabas and Saul.

2Sometimes the person whom God calls is related to the equipping he received in the past.

3God’s call is compelling – do it!

3Under what circumstances did the Holy Spirit instruct the church?

1Antioch Christians already received one year of teaching, so they were worthy Christians.

2When the church was serving (worshipping) and fasting.


3. <v3> With one heart, the church sent Barnabas and Saul.

1The laying of hands of the entire church – Acknowledge their mission, sent them out.

2The church sent the most outstanding workers into the mission fields.


4. <v4> They were sent by the Holy Spirit.

* The church sent them, but at the same time they were sent by the Holy Spirit.

* Beware of falling into two extremes:



* The healthiest missionary work is one that receives the church support, and one sent by the Holy Spirit.