Paul Rebuked Bar-Jesus Who Opposed the Truth <Ac 13:4-12>



* From Antioch, the Holy Spirit led Paul westward and northward to spread the gospel.

* The gospel went in the direction of Europe.

* The Europeans then spread the gospel to Africans, Americans, Chinese, South Asians, Asians, etc.

* Although Europe ruled over many colonies, through this God enabled the gospel to spread from Europe.

* The great missionary work started from the Antioch church, <Acts 13-14> recorded the first missionary journey.

* 3 key points in the first missionary trip:

(1) Paul and Barnabas shared the gospel with Sergius Paulus in Paphos.

(2) Paul and Barnabas encountered fierce persecution from the Jews in Pisidian Antioch.

(3) Paul and Barnabas shared the gospel in Iconium, Lystra and Derbe and were particularly persecuted in Derbe.

* In the face of such opposition, it is only through the Holy Spirit that one can have victory.


Read <Acts 13:4-12>

1.  <v4>: Why did the apostles first visit Cyprus?

* Perhaps because Barnabas was from Cyprus.

* Or maybe the disciples who fled from Jerusalem ever preached in Cyprus <11:19>.


2. <v5>: Apostles first went to the synagogue to preach the Word.

* God’s salvation plan is first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. <Ro 1:16>

* Church is born out of the womb of Israel.

* From the point Jews rejected the gospel of God, the gospel spread to the Gentiles.

* Mark was a witness of Jesus’ life, therefore he would be useful if he followed the apostles.


3. <6a>: Apostles travelled through the whole island, from the east to the west.


4. <6b>: Bar-Jesus means the son of salvation.


5. <v7>: Proconsul – the one who had authority to rule the whole province.

* According to 19th century archaeology, the tomb of Sergius Paulus and the whole family was found in Cyprus.

* Proconsul Sergius Paulus had two characteristics:

(1) He was a man of intelligence (strong rationality, pursued wisdom and knowledge).

(2) He was curious about mystical things (there was a false prophet who did sorcery around him).


6. <v8> Bar-Jesus had 3 characteristics:

(1) Elymas – sorcerer (through the power given by evil spirit, could perform signs and wonders).

(2) Stood between truth and others (did not believe and told others not to believe also).

(3) Opposed the servants of God from spreading the true gospel.


7. <v9> Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, rebuked Bar-Jesus who opposed God.

* Paul was guided and prompted by the Holy Spirit to rebuke Bar-Jesus.


8. <v10> Identity of Bar-Jesus was exposed.

* Not the son of salvation, but child of the devil.

* He was a liar – full of all kinds of deceit.

* He was an imposter – full of all kinds of trickery.

* He perverted the right way of the Lord.


9. <v11> Judgment fell upon him –  mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand.

* Judgment came as Paul rebuked him by the Holy Spirit.

* Bar-Jesus’ judgment caused the proconsul to believe.


10. <v12> The proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed.

* Paul’s teachings amazed the proconsul.

* The signs and wonders brought about by God’s Word amazed the proconsul.