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22:1 提幔人以利法回答说:
Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said,
22:2 人岂能使神有益呢?智慧人但能有益于己。
Can a man be profitable unto God? Surely he that is wise is profitable unto himself.
22:3 你为人公义,岂叫全能者喜悦呢?你行为完全,岂能使他得利呢?
Is it any pleasure to the Almighty, that thou art righteous? Or is it gain [to him], that thou makest thy ways perfect?
22:4 岂是因你敬畏他就责备你、审判你吗?
Is it for thy fear [of him] that he reproveth thee, That he entereth with thee into judgment?
22:5 你的罪恶岂不是大吗?你的罪孽也没有穷尽;
Is not thy wickedness great? Neither is there any end to thine iniquities.
22:6 因你无故强取弟兄的物为当头,剥去贫寒人的衣服。
For thou hast taken pledges of thy brother for nought, And stripped the naked of their clothing.
22:7 困乏的人,你没有给他水喝;饥饿的人,你没有给他食物。
Thou hast not given water to the weary to drink, And thou hast withholden bread from the hungry.
22:8 有能力的人就得地土;尊贵的人也住在其中。
But as for the mighty man, he had the earth; And the honorable man, he dwelt in it.
22:9 你打发寡妇空手回去,折断孤儿的膀臂。
Thou hast sent widows away empty, And the arms of the fatherless have been broken.
22:10 因此,有网罗环绕你,有恐惧忽然使你惊惶;
Therefore snares are round about thee, And sudden fear troubleth thee,
22:11 或有黑暗蒙蔽你,并有洪水淹没你。
Or darkness, so that thou canst not see, And abundance of waters cover thee.
22:12 神岂不是在高天吗?你看星宿何其高呢!
Is not God in the height of heaven? And behold the height of the stars, how high they are!
22:13 你说:神知道什么?他岂能看透幽暗施行审判呢?
And thou sayest, What doth God know? Can he judge through the thick darkness?
22:14 密云将他遮盖,使他不能看见;他周游穹苍。
Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he seeth not; And he walketh on the vault of heaven.
22:15 你要依从上古的道吗?这道是恶人所行的。
Wilt thou keep the old way Which wicked men have trodden?
22:16 他们未到死期,忽然除灭;根基毁坏,好像被江河冲去。
Who were snatched away before their time, Whose foundation was poured out as a stream,
22:17 他们向神说:离开我们吧!又说:全能者能把我们怎么样呢?
Who said unto God, Depart from us; And, What can the Almighty do for us?
22:18 哪知神以美物充满他们的房屋;但恶人所谋定的离我好远。
Yet he filled their houses with good things: But the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
22:19 义人看见他们的结局就欢喜;无辜的人嗤笑他们,
The righteous see it, and are glad; And the innocent laugh them to scorn,
22:20 说:那起来攻击我们的果然被剪除,其余的都被火烧灭。
[Saying], Surely they that did rise up against us are cut off, And the remnant of them the fire hath consumed.
22:21 你要认识神,就得平安;福气也必临到你。
Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: Thereby good shall come unto thee.
22:22 你当领受他口中的教训,将他的言语存在心里。
Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, And lay up his words in thy heart.
22:23 你若归向全能者,从你帐棚中远除不义,就必得建立。
If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, If thou put away unrighteousness far from thy tents.
22:24 要将你的珍宝丢在尘土里,将俄斐的黄金丢在溪河石头之间;
And lay thou [thy] treasure in the dust, And [the gold of] Ophir among the stones of the brooks;
22:25 全能者就必为你的珍宝,作你的宝银。
And the Almighty will be thy treasure, And precious silver unto thee.
22:26 你就要以全能者为喜乐,向神仰起脸来。
For then shalt thou delight thyself in the Almighty, And shalt lift up thy face unto God.
22:27 你要祷告他,他就听你;你也要还你的愿。
Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he will hear thee; And thou shalt pay thy vows.
22:28 你定意要做何事,必然给你成就;亮光也必照耀你的路。
Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; And light shall shine upon thy ways.
22:29 人使你降卑,你仍可说:必得高升;谦卑的人,神必然拯救。
When they cast [thee] down, thou shalt say, [There is] lifting up; And the humble person he will save.
22:30 人非无辜,神且要搭救他;他因你手中清洁,必蒙拯救。
He will deliver [even] him that is not innocent: Yea, he shall be delivered through the cleanness of thy hands.
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